Our History at Adama

Two sister companies, Makhteshim and Agan, embarked on a journey to turn a knowledge of chemistry and agrochemistry into solutions that could help feed the growing population of Israel, in spite of a dearth of natural resources. Our local success evolved into a vision to provide high quality, uncompromisingly effective crop protection products to farmers the world over.
With each decade, we have extended our capabilities and grown into a global company, attracting valuable people, organizations and partners that contribute their individual culture and experience every day. Through our people, products and knowledge, we offer new and better solutions to simplify the lives of all farmers across the planet.
Our promising partnership with ChemChina has started another chapter in our story. The mutual benefits of our merger will be felt beyond China, as we move to strengthen our global leadership.
Together, as one global organization, we aim to empower our people to support farmers and the world’s farming community. Matching the needs and experiences of farmers, to improve yields and simplify farming practices, using less land and requiring less input.
With our lifelong focus on innovation and passion for simplifying the life of the farmer, today Adama is poised to help meet the vital needs of global agriculture, to do our part to feed a vast and growing population.