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Adama provides a comprehensive range of crop protection solutions for growers. There is an Adama product available to protect roses from a wide spectrum diseases and pests.

Powdery Mildew, Rust Ardent
Downy Mildew Folpan
Powdery Mildew Nimrod
Downy Mildew, Botrytis, Early blight Odeon
Downy mildew Sphinx Extra
Thrips Acetastar
Eggs and motile stages of mites Apollo
Leaf miner, Thrips, Spider mites Bifaren
Leaf miner, Scales, Mealy bug, Leafhoppers, Moth Diazol
Thrips, Aphids, White Galil
Thrips Grizly
Thrips Keshet
Thrips Lamdex
Thrips Mavrik
Caterpillars Rimon Supra
Leaf miner, Thrips, Spider mites Seizer

Complete Solutions for Roses PDF5.6MB

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