Folpan 500 SC
A contact fungicide for the control of downey mildew on roses

General Info
Folpan 500 SC is a protectant fungicide that belongs to phthalimides group for the control of downy mildew on roses.
For more information – Contact Robert Wachira at
+254 713 463 937
Application Advice
Application Rate
To control downy mildew on roses apply 2.0 litres/Ha, 200ml/100 L of water, 40ml/20L of water.
Preparation of Spray Mixture
Fill the tank with half the required amount of water, shake Folpan 500 SC gently and add the required amount, and adjuvant if required, then mix thoroughly. Fill the tank with water to the required level.
Application Timing and Technique
Start applying Folpan 500 SC when the weather condition favours disease development in order to protect the crop. Make protective sprays of Folpan 500 SC regularly at a 7-days interval; or at a short interval during periods of intense-shoot growth and when serious infection is likely.
Use a spray volume of 1000 to 1500L per Ha for ornamental crops depending on the size of crop canopy to ensure thorough coverage.
Resistance Management
To prevent risk of developing pest resistance, it is recommended that Folpan 500 SC be alternated with products of different modes of action.
Re-entry period: 6 hours/restricted until the spray has dried.
Folpan 500 SC is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used packs. Livestock should not be allowed to feed on freshly sprayed herbage.
To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of Folpan 500 SC read the downloaded label.