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Odeon 825 WDG

A contact fungicide for the preventive control of diseases in coffee, roses and tomatoes


General Info

Odeon 825 WDG is a water dispersal fungicide that is preventive and belongs to the chloronitrile group for the control of coffee berry disease in coffee, downy mildew and botrytis in roses and early blight in tomatoes, alone or with a tank mix with Funguran-OH WP.


For more information – Contact Robert Wachira at

+254 713 463 937


Application Advice

Application Rates and Timing

Coffee: 3.3kg/Ha, 60g/20l, 1.7kg/ha + 5.5kg/ha, 30g + 100g/20L (Odeon + Funguran OH)

Roses: 1.2-1.5Kg/Ha (120-150g /100L), 24-30g/20L

Tomatoes: 1.5Kg/Ha (30g/20L)


Apply 2 weeks before the onset of rains. Repeat every 21-28 days. Apply 6 sprays during long rains and 2 sprays during short rains.

Resistance Management

To prevent risk of developing pest resistance, it is recommended that Odeon 825 WDG be alternated with products of different modes of action.

Preparation of Spray Mixture

Half fill the tank with water. Add the required amount of Odeon 825 WDG and water in a separate container and mix well until the mixture is thoroughly uniform. Add the mixture to the tank and add water to the required amount as the agitator is running.


Pre-harvest interval:

  • Coffee - 7 days
  • Tomatoes - 3 days

Re-entry interval for roses: 4-6 hrs./when the spray dries.

Odeon 825 WDG is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical, rinsate or used packs.

To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of Odeon 825 WDG read the downloaded label.

Always read the label carefully before use.

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