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Soprano-C 250 SC

A systemic fungicide for the control of yellow and stem rust on wheat


General Info

Soprano-C 250 SC is a fungicide with protective and curative action against yellow and stem rust in wheat.


For more information – Contact Robert Wachira at
+254 713 463 937


Application Advice

Application Rates and Timing

Apply at such rates: 0.8L/Ha, 400ml/100L water, 80ml/20L water

Start applying Soprano 250-C SC when the disease signs are seen or when disease is actively establishing in the field. Spray at an interval of 2-3 weeks depending on the disease and weather condition.

Preparation of Spray Mixture

Fill the spray tank with the required amount of water, add the required amount of Soprano-C 250 SC and adjuvant as may be required, then mix thoroughly.

Application Technique

Shake the container gently before use. Soprano-C 250 SC may be applied by ground application with tractor and boom sprayer, aerial application or knapsack sprayer. For tractor mounted and knapsack application use a spray volume of at least 30L per Ha. Always use a well-calibrated sprayer to ensure good coverage of the foliage.

Resistance Management

Continued repeated use of Soprano-C 250 SC alone over an extended period of time may lead to development of resistant fungal strains. To avoid such a situation, always alternate Soprano-C 250 SC with other fungicides that have a different mode of action.


Pre-harvest interval: 30 days.

Soprano-C 250 SC is toxic to fish. Do not contaminate ponds and waterways by direct application, cleaning of equipment, disposal of wastes and empty container.

To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of Soprano-C 250 SC read the downloaded label.

Always read the label carefully before use.


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