Folpan 500 WP
A contact fungicide for the control of downy mildew in roses

General Info
Folpan 500 WP is a protectant fungicide that belongs to phthalimides group for the control of downy mildew on roses.
Application Advice
Application Timing
Start applying Folpan 500 WP when the weather condition favours disease development in order to protect the crop. Make protective sprays of Folpan 500 WP regularly at a 7-days interval; or at a short interval during periods of intense-shoot growth and when serious infection is likely.
Resistance Management
To prevent risk of developing pest resistance, it is recommended that Folpan 500 WP be alternated with products of different modes of action.
Re-entry period: 6 hours/restricted until the spray has dried.
Folpan 500 WP is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used packs. Livestock should not be allowed to feed on freshly sprayed herbage.
Handling Folpan 500 WP: Wear protective clothing: overalls, footwear, gloves, and face shield when preparing and using the product. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using it. Avoid inhaling spray mist, contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not apply upwind and stay out of the spray mist.
After Work: Wash hands before breaks and at end of work. Change clothes and wash hands and face with soap and water thoroughly. Wash the spraying equipment and any contaminated clothing carefully.
Storage: Keep out of reach of children. Store in tightly closed original container in a cool dry and well ventilated place, under lock and key so that unauthorized persons do not have access. Keep away from food, drinks and animal feeds.
Disposal: Tripple rinse the bottle and puncture or perforate it and dispose off in a landfill site approved for pesticides away from water resources and in accordance with National Regulators on disposal or return to stockist/Distributor. The rinsate should be disposed off away from surface water o avoid contamination. Do not reuse the empty container for any other purpose.
Leakage and spillage: Wear protective clothing. Use sand or sawdust to absorb the chemical and collect it using a shovel. Put in authorized disposing containers. Do not contaminate waterways and rivers. In case of large spills, consult the distributor.
First-aid measures : Remove victim from area of exposure. Wash off remaining material with plenty of water. Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air. Keep victim warm and at rest. If breathing is difficult: artificial respiration. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Wash out mouth with plenty of water. Get medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash away remainder with water and soap. Consult a doctor in the event of any complaints. Eye contact: Wash out with plenty of water with the eyelid held wide open for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Notes to a physician: There is no specific antidote. Treat symptomatically and give supportive therapy. If ingested perform gastric lavage and administer activated charcoal.