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Divipan 100 EC

A contact incsectide for the control of a wide range of pests on coffee


General Info

Divipan 100 EC is an organophosphate that is highly volatile for the control of antestia bugs, coffee berry borers leafminers, thrips and stem borers in coffee.




For more information – Contact Robert Wachira at
+254 713 463 937


Application Advice

Application Rates and Timing

At the onset of the first signs of infestation apply 1.5L/ha, 150ml/100L of water, 30ml/20L of water.

Resistance Management

To prevent risk of developing pest resistance, it is recommended that Divipan 100 EC be alternated with products of different modes of action.


Pre-harvest interval: 7 days.

Wear protective clothing: overalls, footwear, gloves, and face shield when preparing and using the product. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using it. Avoid inhaling spray mist, contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not apply upwind and stay out of the spray mist.

Divipan 100 EC is toxic to fish, bees and wildlife. Do not contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used packs. Do not spray when bees are foraging. Keep off livestock and wildlife away from treated areas.

To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of Divipan 100 EC read the downloaded label.

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