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Grizly 175/30 SC

A systemic and contact insecticide for the control of aphids, whiteflies and thrips on roses and tomatoes


General Info

Grizly 175/30 SC is an agricultural systemic and contact insecticide for the control of aphids, whitef lies and thrips on roses, aphids, whiteflies, thrips and tuta absoluta on tomatoes; aphids in cotton.


Benefits for the Farmer

  • Broad spectrum activity on many pests
  • Your crop is protected for a long period due to the strong residual effect
  • Rain fast
  • Easy to use

For more information – Contact Robert Wachira at
+254 713 463 937


Application Advice


Mix the recommended amount of GRIZLY with a little water in a knapsack sprayer, top up to 20L and foliar apply on roses and tomatoes.

Application Rates and Timing


Frequency of application


Rate/ha in 1000L of water

Rate in 20 L of water

Roses, Tomatoes

3 times per season with 7 -day intervals

Aphids and white flies Thrips

375-500 mL



3 times per season with 7 -day intervals

Tuta absoluta

250 mL



3 times per season with 14-day intervals


600 mL

12 mL


Pre-harvest interval: 7 days on tomatoes and 30 days for cotton seed.

Re-entry Interval for roses: 6 hours.

Imidacloprid is toxic to bees. Do not spray when bees are actively foraging. Do not contaminate water sources.

To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of Grizly 175/30 SC read the downloaded label.

Always read the label carefully before use

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