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Kohinor 200 SL

A systemic insecticide for the control of a wide range of pests on coffee, ornamentals and in agroforestry


General Info

Kohinor 200 SL is systemic insecticide for control of coffee leafminer (soil drenching) in coffee, for use on roses to control whiteflies, aphids and thrips and for use in agroforestry nursery and trees against termites and soil pests.
Kohinor 200 SL can be applied to plants as a foliar spray, stem paint, basal stem spray or soil drench via drip irrigation. The soil application of Kohinor 200 SL (via drench and drip irrigation) is the safest method for reducing the impact on beneficial insects.




For more information – Contact Robert Wachira at

+254 713 463 937



Application Advice

Resistance Management

To prevent resistance alternation of Kohinor 200 SL with products with different modes of action is recommended. If one additional late season application is necessary for insect control, Kohinor 200 SL treatment should be followed with a product from another chemical class. In cases where more than two applications against one pest species are required a block application of Kohinor 200 SL is recommended.

Application Rates and Timing

Crop Insect pest Application Rate Timing/remarks

Coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera meyricki)

Fried egg scale (Asidiotus ssp)

1.5 ml per litre of water per tree

3.0 ml per litre of water per tree

Soil drench along the drip of each tree. Apply at the onset of rains or irrigate after application to facilitate uptake. It should be applied 6-8 weeks before the peak occurence of the pest season. Pre-harvest interval - 35 days.
Roses Aphids, whiteflies, thrips

Soil drench: 0.3-0.5 ml per 4lt. of water

Foliar spray: 0.5ml per lt. of water

50ml per 100 lt. of water or 500ml per Ha

10ml per 20lt. of water

Apply at first signs of infestation through drip irrigation (soil drench).

Apply at first signs of infestation as a full cover foliar spray.  As ornamental species and varieties may differ in their sensitivity to chemicals, tolerance test should always be carried out before large scale application is undertaken.

Agroforestry, nurseries of trees Soil pest termites

2.5 ml per lt. of water per tree

25ml in 10 lt. of water

Apply as soil drench in the nursery bed or tree around the tree base.
Anthills/ mounds Termites 2.5 ml per lt. of water or 25ml in 10 lt. of water Drive a rod into the anthill to clear the opening. Drench the mound with at least 10 lt. of Kohinor 200 SL solution. The amount of solution depends on the size of the mound.

Crop Tolerance

Kohinor 200 SL is well tolerated by all crops tested at the recommended rates when applied as soil or foliar treatment but users are advised always to check for crop safety by treating a few plants first before large scale application is undertaken on ornamental crops.


Pre-harvest interval for coffee is 35 days.

Re-entry period: 6 hours.

Kohinor 200 SL is toxic to bees. If applied as a soil drench there is no risk to bees or other beneficial insects. To avoid damage to bee populations, foliar treatments should not be applied during flowering of the target crop. Aquatic organisms are not expected to be endangered when Kohinor 200 SL is used as recommended. Do not contaminate surface water and ditches with chemical or used container disposal.

To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of Kohinor 200 SL read the downloaded label.

Always read the label carefully before use.

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