Innovation at Adama

Innovation is woven into every aspect of our business. Beyond product innovation, we develop digital tools that make farmers’ lives easier and improve crop yields, offer improvements for inventory management and even innovate in marketing our solutions in a new and efficient way.
We define innovation as culture and work processes to nurture new ideas, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, translated into economic value.
We see it as a way to differentiate ourselves in the market, and to deliver on our promise – simply grow together – to farmers, farming and our employees.
Daring to be different, we propel ourselves through the innovation cycle: trial, error, improvement, and then back to start again. We acknowledge that while instant innovation successes are ideal, sometimes the greatest ideas are born out of unsuccessful attempts.
This conscious process takes us far beyond our own labs and into the fields, where we can learn the most about farmers’ needs, and help provide solutions to simplify their lives