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Orius 250 EW

A broad spectrum foliar systemic fungicide with curative action for the control of rust on flowers


General Info

Orius 250 EW is an emulsion oil in water fungicide for the control of rust on flowers.


Benefits for the Farmer

  • Broad spectrum disease control
  • Flexible and cost effective formulation
  • Highly effective at low rates
  • Higher yields
  • No impact on environment
  • Safe at recommended dosage to all of the registered crops




Application Advice

Application Timing

Start spraying Orius 250 EW when the disease signs are seen or when disease is actively establishing in the field. Spray after 3-4 weeks depending on disease and weather condition.

Preparation of Spray Mixture

Fill the spray tank with half amount of water. Add the required amount of Orius 250 EW, then fill the water to the required level and mix or agitate thoroughly to uniformity. Ensure that the spray mixture is used the same day.

Application Technique

Shake the container gently before use. Orius 250 EW may be applied by ground application with tractor and boom sprayer or knapsack sprayer. Use a spray volume of 200-300L per hectare. Always use a well calibrated sprayer to ensure good coverage of the foliage.


Re-entry period: 12 hours in the field.


Wear protective clothing, namely overalls, footwear, gloves, and face shield when preparing and using the product. Do not eat, drink or smoke when working with the product.


Keep out of reach of children. Store in tightly closed original container in a cool dry well ventilated place, under lock key, so that unauthorized persons do not have access. Keep away from food, drinks and animal feeding stuffs.


Triple rinse, puncture or crush empty containers before disposal in a safe and authorized place in accordance with National regulations on chemical disposal. Do not re-use empty containers for any other purpose. Pesticide spray mixture or rinsate that cannot be used must be disposed where it cannot contaminate surface water and ditches.

Pesticide Leakage and Spillage

In event of heavy spillage, collect the contaminated soil layer and bury in an authorized place away from water supplies. Soaking in sand, soil or sawdust may collect small pillage. Contaminated absorbent material must be stored in marked waste bins prior to disposal in authorized landfill site. The pesticide store must be decontaminated by washing with a lot of water.


Skin contact: Remove affected clothing and wash all exposed skin area with soap and water, followed by warm water rinse. Consult a doctor in the event of any complaints.

Eye contact: Wash off with plenty of water (15 min.) If pain persists, consult an eye specialist.

If inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air. Consult a doctor in the event of any complaints.

If swallowed: Do not induce vomiting. Wash out mouth with plenty of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Consult a doctor in the event of any complaints.

Always read the label carefully before use.

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