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ADAMACheat Sheet_Pest Management For Citrus

Cheat Sheet: Pest Management For Citrus

Crop Protection For Citrus
ADAMACheat Sheet_Pest Management For Citrus

Wondering which ADAMA product to use on which pest and when? Download our citrus pest management cheat sheet below to quickly identify what product to use for specific pests.

Download our Citrus Pest Management Cheat Sheet

Please note: A correction has been completed for the Cheat Sheet. Please download this latest version.

For more detailed information on each product please search or browse for the product name on our Products page.

Citrus Pests Included:

  • African Bollworm
  • Aphids
  • Circular Purple Scale
  • Citrus Thrips
  • False Codling Moth (FCM)
  • Fruit Fly (Natal and Mediterranean)
  • Leaf Miner
  • Mealy bug
  • Mussel Scale
  • Orange dog
  • Psylla
  • Red Scale
  • Soft Green Scale
  • Waxy Scale

Citrus Pest Management Cheat Sheet

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