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Rimon Fast 100 SC

Rimon® Fast 100 SC Insecticide Product Overview & Infographic

Rimon® Fast 100 SC is an emulsifiable concentrate chitin inhibitor stomach insecticide for the control of insects in the crops indicated.
Rimon Fast 100 SC

Rimon® Fast 100 SC is a suspension concentrate contact, stomach and chitin inhibitor insecticide for the early corrective treatment of maize stalk borer in maize and sweetcorn as well as African bollworm, semi-looper and leaf-eater larvae in soybeans. 

Which crops can Rimon® Fast 100 SC be used on?

  • Maize and sweet corn
  • Soy beans

Is it safe?

Handle with care and always follow the safety precautions on the Rimon® Fast 100 SC label. Poisonous if swallowed. Toxic to toxic to fish, crustacea and other aquatic organisms, bees and harmful to silk worms. Store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place away from food, feedstuffs, seeds and fertilisers. Always follow the safety precautions on the Rimon® Fast 100 SC label.


Rimon® Fast 100 SC is classified as a group code 3A/15 insecticide. Any insect population may contain individuals naturally resistant to Rimon® Fast 100 SC and other group code 3A/15 insecticides. To delay insecticide resistance:

  • Avoid exclusive repeated use of insecticides from the same insecticide group code. Alternate or tank-mix with products from different insecticide group codes.
  • Integrate the control methods (chemical, cultural, biological) into insect control programs.

For specific information on resistance management contact your ADAMA field agent.

Which pests?

  • Stalk borer (Busseola fusca) on maize and sweet corn
  • African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), semi-looper (Chrysodeixis acuta), and leaf eaters (Spodoptera spp.) on soy beans.

Check the Rimon® Fast 100 SC label for specific agricultural practices and dosages for each crop. 

Mixing instructions

  • Half fill the spray tank with clean water.
  • Pre-mix the required volume of Rimon® Fast 100 SC with water and add to the spray tank while agitating.
  • While agitating, fill the spray tank with water to the required volume.
  • Ensure constant effective agitation during mixing and application.
  • Only mix enough spray mixture sufficient for one day’s spraying. Spray mixture should not be allowed to stand overnight.

Usage instructions

Rimon® Fast 100 SC is recommended for the early treatment of maize stalk borer. Rimon® Fast 100 SC is applied when 5 % or more plants show “shot-hole” damage and before the migration of the borers into the stalk or 7 days after 2.5 % or more plants are infested with eggs. Larvae already in the stem will not be controlled. 

Rimon® Fast 100 SC can be applied by any suitable medium or high volume applicator provided it is correctly calibrated, is fitted with an effective agitation mechanism and is able to distribute the spray material evenly over target area. Apply in 200-300 L water per hectare. Flat fan nozzles are recommended.

Apply to the leaves and into the maize funnel followed by a second application 7 days later. A third application may be applied 7 days later if necessary. African bollworm and red spider mite if present will also be controlled.

In soy beans, apply as a full cover spray at the start of flowering as soon as pests are noticed. A spray volume of at least 200 L/ha is recommended. Repeat the application after 14 days. A third application may be applied 14 days later if necessary.

Consult the Rimon® Fast 100 SC label for comprehensive directions. Alternatively, contact your ADAMA field team for more information.

Rimon® Fast 100 SC - Active ingredient: Dichlorvos (organophosphate) | Registration number L4669 Act 36 of 1947 N-AR 0865 |Address of Registration holder: Simeka House, The Vineyards Office Estate, 99 Jip de Jager Drive, De Bron 7530, South Africa


Rimon fast® 100 SC infographic

Rimon fast® 100 SC infographic
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