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Diazol 500 EW

A highly effective incsectice for the control of a wide range of pests on cabbage and horticultural crops


General Info

Diazol 500 EW is a non-systemic insecticide for control of leafminers, scales, mealy bugs, leafhoppers, aphids, caterpillars, moths on cabbage and horticultural crops.



Application Advice

Application Timing

Spray at first sign of infestation. Repeat application after 10-14 days intervals. For scale insect control an addition of medium light white oil at 1.2% of the total spray volume enhances control.

Preparation of Spray Mixture

Dilute recommended amount of Diazol 500 EW with required amount of water in the spraying tank stirring well. Do not allow the spray mixture to stand. For high volume application, use 100-1000L of spray mixture/Ha.


Diazol 500 EW is harmful to game, wild birds and animals. Keep livestock out of treated area.

Diazol 500 EW is toxic to fish. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches by direct application, cleaning of equipment or disposal of waste.

Diazol 500 EW is toxic to honey bees and should not be applied at flowering stage. Apply in late evening after bees have stopped foraging. Wash treated vegetables and fruits before use.

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