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Pyrinex Quick 256 SC

A broad spectrum insecticide for the control of a wide range of pests on wheat

Pyrinex Quick

General Info

Pyrinex Quick 256 SC is a non-systemic insecticide for the control of Russian aphids on wheat.




Benefits for the Farmer

Excellent Knock-down Effect

  • Within few hours the pests stop feeding on your crop
  • Pyrinex Quick can be used against different pests due to its broad spectrum activity

Strong Residual Effect

  • The crop is protected for a long period due to the unique micro-encapsulated formulation - the capsules are carried by insects and transferred to other insects in their nests


  • The product is absorbed in the plant within a few hours

Crop Safety

  • Safe at recommended dosage to all of the registered crops


For more information – Contact Robert Wachira at
+254 713 463 937


Application Advice

Application Rates

To control Russian aphids on wheat apply 1.25L/Ha, 25ml/20L water.


Shake well before use. To prepare a spray solution, half-fill the spray tank with clean water. Pour the required quantity of Pyrinex Quick 256 SC into the spray tank. Gently agitate the machine. Fill the spray tank with water to the required level while agitating continuosly. Agitate the sprayer during use or in case of interruption of the spray process.

Application Timing and Technique

Start the application during the first signs of insects manifestation. Pyrinex Quick 256 SC can be applied by any suitable knapsack sprayer which is able to distribute the spray.


Pre-harvest interval: 14 days.

Re-entry period: after 6 hours.

Pyrinex Quick 256 SC is toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. It's harmful to birds and animals. Do not contaminate ponds and waterways by direct application, cleaning of equipment, disposal of wastes and empty containers. Keep livestock and wildlife out of treated areas. It is toxic to bees. Do not spray in full broom.

To learn more safety precautions and first aid instructions concerning the application of Pyrinex Quick 256 SC read the downloaded label.

Always read the label carefully before use.

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