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Potato Farming
Potato growing in South Africa accounts for approximately 50% of total vegetable crops produced. Discover how ADAMA supports potato growers.
Potato farming in South Africa
South Africans now consume double the number of potatoes they used to. The industry has grown exponentially since local varieties were developed to suit our soils and climate. Yet this is a crop beset with challenges. Discover more about ADAMA’s complete crop protection solution.
Protecting Your Potato Crop from Nematodes: Identification, Treatment and Prevention
Learn how to identify, treat, and prevent nematode infestations in your potato crop. This guide covers natural and chemical control methods, as well as important safety considerations.
NIMITZ®: ‘n Revolusionêre aalwurmdoder
Ontdek Nimitz, 'n revolusionêre aalwurmdoder wat deur duisende proewe gerugsteun word. Leer hoe Nimitz voortreflike aalwurmbeheer lewer en potensieel opbrengs verhoog in vergelyking met toonaangewende oplossings.