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Early weed control in Maize farming matters

Early weed control matters. Proactive step to double your chances for better yield

Reduce the risk of herbicide-induced stress on emerged crops. In maize farming, a bountiful harvest requires proper timing of herbicide application and using recommended dosages.
Early weed control in Maize farming matters

Timely weed management in maize farming is crucial for maximizing crop yield and quality output.

Reduced Competition: Weeds compete with maize plants for essential resources such as water, nutrients, and light. By controlling weeds early with Maizine® and Nicogold®, we minimize their ability to hinder maize growth and development.

  • Nitrogen: Essential for strong early growth in maize. It promotes vigorous plant development.                                        
  • Phosphorus with Zinc: Maximizes root development and shoot growth. Adequate phosphorus ensures robust maize plants.         
  • Calcium: Improves root growth and strengthens plant cell structure. 
  • Magnesium (Mg): Essential for photosynthesis, magnesium is a central component of the chlorophyll molecule. It also plays a role in enzyme activation and helps in the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and proteins. Why allow Weeds enjoy a portion of all these essential nutrients? 

Improved Crop Establishment: Early post-emergence solution like Nicogold® with reliable residual activity allows the maize crop to start its growth journey without weed interference. A clean start ensures better crop establishment, leading to healthier plants and quality output. When weeds are controlled early, there’s less urgency to keep applying post-emergence herbicides. This reduces the risk of herbicide-induced stress on the emerged crop.

Reduced Pest and Crop Disease: Weeds can harbour pests and diseases that can attack maize crops. Early weed control reduces the habitat for these pests and pathogens, lowering the risk of infestations and infections, leading to healthier maize plants and potentially reducing the need for further chemical interventions.

Reduced Labor and Costs: Managing weeds early in the growing season can reduce the need for multiple weeding operations later on, saving time and labor costs contributing to more cost-effective and environmentally friendly and sustainable farming practices.

Our early post-emergence solutions for maize: a game changer for maize growers

Nicogold® 400 OD: is typically soluble in water, which is important for its effectiveness as a selective herbicide for maize fields because it easily dissolves in water for broad spectrum control. Nicogold 400 OD is formulated with two unique actives (2,4-D Amine Salt + Nicosulfuron). The molecular properties of Nicosulfuron inhibits acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme activity in susceptible plants. Acetolactate synthase (ALS) is involved in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids, which are essential for plant growth. By inhibiting ALS, Nicosulfuron disrupts the production of these amino acids, ultimately leading to the death of the target weeds (annual grasses and broadleaf weeds). Save field time, let Nicogold® do the work. Application rate: 50-60ml in 15 litre clean water per knapsack. 

Maizine® 30 OD: An excellent combination of (Atrazine + Mesotrione + Nicosulfuron). This makes Maizine® a super formula for early post emergence, delivering effective control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in cultivated maize field. Experience good rain fastness few minutes after application, increased cob size and grain weight in just one time application per season. Application rate: 50-60ml in 15 litre clean water per knapsack. 

Timing is everything! 

Recommended time of application: 2 - 3 weeks after maize seed has emerged and established, and weeds are 2-5 leaf stages.

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