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Compliance Helpline - ADAMA SpeakUp

ADAMA recognises that sometimes issues are so sensitive and critical that you prefer not to use your normal reporting lines. For these special ethical situations ADAMA offers the SPEAK UP service. You can use this toll free service to call or to e-mail in your own language and report such issues. Your report will be recorded by an independent external third party service provider, translated if necessary, and forwarded to ADAMA for confidential investigation. You will receive a reference number for your report so that you can call back or log in and get feedback from or provide further information to the investigation.

Click here to raise a concern or you can scan the QR code with your mobile device to access ADAMA SpeakUp - ADAMA SpeakUp QR code

Our Compliance reporting system, “SpeakUP”, provides our employees and external stakeholders (including suppliers, customers and members of the public) with a dedicated communication channel for reporting potential ethical situations or other misconduct.  This can be done confidentially and anonymously (if allowed by the local laws). You can use the toll free service to call or to e-mail in your own language and report such issues. Your report will be recorded by an independent external third party service provider, translated if necessary, and forwarded to ADAMA for confidential investigation. You will receive a reference number for your report so that you can call back or log in and get feedback from or provide further information to the investigation.

We are committed to a strict non-retaliation policy and do not tolerate retaliation against anyone who has reported a potential violation in good faith.

IMPORTANT: The SpeakUp service is only to be used for reporting ethical issues or breaches of applicable law relating to ADAMA and its activities.


Your report will be handled discreetly and shared only with those who need to know it in order to answer your question or investigate the report you make. We encourage you to identify yourself because this helps the investigation process but at all times you can choose to stay anonymous. If you decide to identify yourself, ADAMA will take all reasonable steps to keep your identity confidential while the investigation is conducted. Sometimes ADAMA may be required by law to reveal your identity.


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