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Children in greenhouse

Sowing the Seeds of Science

ADAMA's flagship agricultural education program gets kids' hands dirty in state-of-the-art greenhouses and smart classrooms
Children in greenhouse

Nothing nurtures young minds like hands-on experience, especially when teaching about agriculture. Sowing the Seeds of Science is ADAMA's new educational program for kids aiming to do just that. This unique program is designed to engage and inspire bright young students to become excited by agriculture, and is a cornerstone of ADAMA’s community involvement mission.

Through this program, the Company has established state-of-the-art greenhouses and smart classrooms on two educational farms in Israel, with a third facility opening next year, all in communities in which ADAMA operates.

By literally “getting their hands dirty” with practical experience, while gaining exposure to the technology and science of modern agriculture, students have the opportunity to discover an exciting field they may know little about, while developing their problem-solving and scientific skills. Access to a real greenhouse environment provides students with a unique experience, allowing them to see the real-world impact of their actions – whether changing temperatures, water, light and soil – on the growth of their plants. Then, using special computers installed in the smart classrooms, students are taught to analyze and interpret the results for themselves.

“Our aim is to make agriculture accessible and exciting for students, in the hope that they come to appreciate its importance to the world and its future, and to maybe even choose to follow a career in the field,” said Rachel Levi, ADAMA’s Community Relations Manager. “The plants in the experiments grow, of course, but its the students themselves who experience the most growth. It is so exciting and rewarding to watch and be a part of it,” she continued.

Together with local municipalities, the Israeli Ministry of Education and leading agriculture experts, ADAMA has established these unique facilities, each of which includes:

·State-of-the-art greenhouses: Complete with the latest technologies and sophisticated research equipment.

·Modern smart classrooms: Fully renovated with the newest equipment, microscopes and computers.

·New curriculum: A new curriculum was designed and implemented to equip students with advanced research skills.

Thousands of students have already engaged in programs at the educational farms, getting a real taste of modern agriculture and science through this unique, practical experience.

Simply. Grow. Together.

This is ADAMA’s promise to the community, which comes to life through this innovative program. By engaging the younger generation in the exciting world of the agricultural sciences, ADAMA gives back to the community and fosters the next generation of agricultural research and innovation.

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