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Axiom® Flexi

Axiom® Flexi, our new metalaxyl fungicide effectively controls downy mildew in grapes. A flexible tank mix option commonly used with other protectant fungicides.

Axiom Flexi

Axiom® Flexi Fungicide: A Flexible Tank-Mix Option for the Control of Downy Mildew.

Axiom® Flexi provides a flexible tank mix option with commonly used protectant fungicides, such as mancozeb, chlorothalonil, and copper, to control downy mildew in grapes and Pythium in turf.


General Info

Axiom® Flexi Fungicide At A Glance

✔ Flexible Tank-Mix Option

Axiom® Flexi is a tank-mix option with mancozeb, copper or chlorothalonil for control of downy mildew. Axiom® Flexi provides flexibility to your tank mix partner. Field trials have also confirmed Axiom Flexi is compatible with cupric hydroxide, copper oxychloride and copper as tribasic copper sulphate formulations.

✔ Registered for use to Control Downy Mildew in Grapes

Australian trials have confirmed that Axiom® Flexi effectively controls downy mildew in grapes. 

✔ Low Use Rate / Ease of Handling

Application Information

Application Information



Apply from pre-flowering through 80% Capfall.

Use Rate:

10-14 mL/100L

Registered Crops:

Grapes & Turf

Diseases Control:

Downy Mildew & Pythium


Do Not apply more than 4 sprays per season

Do Not apply this product as a post-infection curative spray on crops as this will favour the development of resistant disease strains.

Is Axiom® Flexi compatible with most commonly used fungicides?

Yes, Axiom® Flexi is compatible with Mancozeb 750 DF and Copper Hydroxide WG formulations.   Field trials have also confirmed Axiom Flexi is compatible with cupric hydroxide, copper oxychloride and copper as tribasic copper sulphate formulations.

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