Herbicide 2,4-D Amine 625 Control broadleaf weeds in fallow before direct drilling or sowing of cereals and in cereal crops, pastures, sugarcane, peanuts and non-agricultural areas.
Herbicide 2,4-D LV ESTER Low volatile herbicide for selective control of various weeds in cereal crops, sugarcane, fallow, pastures and non-agricultural areas.
Herbicide ADAMA LVE MCPA 570 LVE MCPA is a selective, low-volatile ester herbicide which selectively controls certain weeds in cereals and grass pastures.
Insecticide Albatross® Albatross is a highly effective insecticide that can be used for control of a wide range of sucking and chewing pests.
Insecticide Alpha-Scud® 300 Controls insect pests, including redlegged earth mite and blue oat mite in cereals, canola and pastures
Herbicide Ametrex® For control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in pineapples, sugarcane and in industrial situations.
Insecticide Aphidex® 800 Selective aphid control in almonds, broadacre, cotton, pasture, fruit & vegetable crops, including Green peach aphid and Russian wheat aphid.
Herbicide Ardeo® Ardeo® is a highly effective post-emergent and pre-emergent selective herbicide for use in selected grain legume crops and seed crops of Siratro and Stylo.
Fungicide Axiom® Flexi Axiom® Flexi, our new metalaxyl fungicide effectively controls downy mildew in grapes. A flexible tank mix option commonly used with other protectant fungicides.
Fungicide Axiom® Plus Targeted control of Downy Mildew in grapevines and phytophthora Trunk Canker and Root Rot in macadamias.
Insecticide Ballistic® Elite For the control of Heliothis, Cotton Bollworm and Green Mirid on cotton and other specified pests on broadacre and other crops.
Herbicide Bobcat® Control of annual and perennial grasses, woody weeds and broadleaf weeds in Pinus radiata plantations, pastures and industrial areas.
Herbicide Bobcat® Combi Control of annual and perennial grasses, vines and other broadleaved weeds in established sugarcane.
Herbicide Bobcat® i-MAXX SG A unique new tool for knockdown and long-term weed management in sugarcane providing outstanding performance against key grass and broadleaf weeds.
Herbicide Bonanza® Elite For the control of certain weeds in clover-based pastures, field peas, lentils, lupins and oilseed poppy.
Growth Regulators Brevis® Brevis® widens your application window for fruit thinning in apples and pears
Herbicide Broadstar® For selective post-emergence control of certain broadleaf weeds in various species of beans, peanuts and soybeans
Herbicide Bronco® 400 Selective Group 6 herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in cereals, linseed, lucerne, pastures and turf.
Herbicide Bronco® MA-X For the control of broadleaf weeds in cereals, linseed, grass pastures and turf.
Fungicide Bumper® 625 Controls fungal diseases of bananas, peanuts, perennial ryegrass, pineapples, stone fruit, sugar cane, turf, wheat and other crops.
Fungicide Captan Controls a broad spectrum of diseases in crops including apples, almonds, grapes, pears, pistachios, stonefruit, strawberries and ornamentals.
Herbicide Cavalier® Recommended tank-mix partner for all Wipe-Out products to improve knockdown and "brownout"
Fungicide Cavalry® Weatherguard Long lasting protection from a wide range of plant diseases even in prolonged wet conditions in more than 40 key horticultural crops.
Fungicide Chief® Aquaflo Protection against a range of diseases including in apples, brassicas, grapevines, leafy vegetables, macadamias, potatoes, stonefruit, strawberries and tomatoes.