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Green Vegetable Bug in Mung beans.

New insecticide ‘cleans’ beans

ADAMA Australia, has announced that Skope® insecticide is now registered for use in winter and summer pulse crops, adding to its existing registration in cotton.
Green Vegetable Bug in Mung beans.

ADAMA Australia Market Development Manager for Queensland, Jim O’Connor, says Skope provides growers with a welcome new option for the control of chewing and sucking pests in winter and summer pulse crops, including chickpeas, faba beans, mung beans, navy beans and soybeans.

“Skope is a unique, ready-to-use co-formulation of acetamiprid with a high concentration of emamectin, so there’s no need to tank-mix,” he says.

“Skope provides knockdown and residual control of cotton bollworm and native budworm with the benefit of a higher maximum registered rate of emamectin compared with solo formulations.

“Trials have demonstrated Skope significantly reduces yield and quality losses from feeding damage from chewing and sucking pests, particularly cotton bollworm and native budworm.

“Helicoverpa are by far the most prevalent chewing pest in bean crops. Skope’s wide label rate range gives users the flexibility to match their use rate to their pest pressure and mitigate what can be potentially devastating crop losses.

Paul McIntosh, Industry Development Agronomist - Northern Region, for Pulse Australia and the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, says: “Skope (grp 4a/6) in summer pulses gives agronomists, consultants and growers a viable alternative for sucking pest and lep control, with the added benefit of reducing selection pressure and supporting resistance management for important products like Altacor® (grp 28) and Steward® (grp 22a).”

“Acetamiprid represents a new active ingredient for sucking pest control in pulse crops in Australia. The wide range of pests controlled by Skope should enhance its value to the industry,” says Jim.

“Both active ingredients have translaminar activity and move into treated foliage after application to provide residual control and excellent rainfastness.

“However, they have limited systemic activity, which means thorough spray coverage and penetration of the canopy is critical.

“Pests harbouring in areas that do not receive adequate spray coverage will not be controlled.

“In addition, new growth post application will not contain Skope and may become the site of new pest survival and subsequent damage.”

Skope is registered in summer and winter pulse crops excluding field peas and lupins, for the control or suppression of bean pod borer, cluster caterpillar, cotton bollworm, green mirid, green vegetable bug, jassids, native budworm, red banded shield bug, Rutherglen bug, silverleaf whitefly and soybean looper.

For further information on the new Skope insecticide registration, growers and advisors can contact their nearest reseller, visit or contact their local ADAMA Australia representative.

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