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ADAMA canola herbicide benefits strengthened

Canola growers were impressed with the performance of Tenet®

Canola growers were impressed with the performance of Tenet® herbicide, released by ADAMA Australia in 2021. Registered in 2021 for use pre-sowing (IBS) in conventional and herbicide-tolerant canola crops, Tenet adds vital flexibility with application rate ranges based on soil type for enhanced crop safety and offers growers the opportunity for improved grass and broadleaf weed control, as well as management of herbicide-resistant weeds.

Tenet, which contains the active ingredient, metazachlor, is the only Group 15 (formerly Group K) herbicide that can be incorporated by sowing or applied post-emergent in canola, adding a valuable tool to growers’ weed control and herbicide resistance management programs.

Compared with other Group 15 herbicides used in canola, it has the broadest weed control spectrum. The pre-emergent application provides residual control or suppression of more than 20 annual grass and broadleaf weeds including annual ryegrass, barley grass, brome grass and capeweed.

Tenet offers increased solubility and soil mobility compared with commonly-used canola pre-emergent herbicides, hence less rainfall is required to activate the herbicide.

As an alternative to pre-sowing (IBS) application, Tenet can now be applied post-emergent with Platinum® Xtra 360 for extended control of annual ryegrass and other key grass weeds.

ADAMA Australia Portfolio Manager - Herbicides, Rob Walker, said the flexibility provided by the new Tenet use pattern would be a game-changer for canola growers this season.

“Having the ability to apply Tenet pre-sowing (IBS) as an alternative to the traditional Groups 2, 3, 5 and 13 pre-sowing treatments, or topping-up the residual protection provided by these groups through the application of Tenet post-emergence, broadens crop management options and is an invaluable tool from a herbicide resistance management perspective,” Rob said. “Tenet plus Platinum Xtra 360 will also complement the efficacy of post-emergent herbicide options from Groups 2, 5 and 9 in herbicide-tolerant canola crops.”

Contact your local reseller or ADAMA Australia Commercial Manager for further information on Tenet.

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