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Trapview Network

ADAMA now offers Australian agriculture the first integrated network of smart insect traps for predicting pest pressure.

How does Trapview work?


Trapview utilises revolutionary technology in a fully integrated system to provide an innovative, simplified solution for monitoring insect populations.

It operates by capturing images and providing digital recognition of lured pests using Trapview smart traps. Pest populations and their dynamics are then shared across the network of traps, allowing for near real time monitoring of pest movements across a large area.

Results can be accessed via a paid subscription service on desktop and mobile devices via the Trapview App, with the system providing rapid pest alerts to the licensed user, allowing awareness of the pest situation near them, enabling a more timely and strategic application of control options. They will also receive daily and weekly reports detailing pest detection, pest movement and development stages.

The network will provide agronomists and growers with near real-time insight on pest activity within their region, allowing a greater understanding of pest pressure, optimised choice and precise timing of control options.

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