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INVOLVE® 50 WDG for Fall Weed Control

Winter wheat harvest is all but done, and with continued rains the golden hue of cereal stubble is quickly turning green from the growth of weeds. And while it is a mixture of weeds contributing to this re-greening, perennial weeds (namely Canada and Sow thistles) are also in the mix, using this period of continued good growing to build their root reserves.

Unfortunately perennial weeds can be a challenge to control after harvest due to much of the above ground biomass being cut off with the combine; what remains is only the ‘tip of the iceberg’ relative to the root system, and it is difficult to get a lethal dose of a chemical to the roots through that tip.  

Increasing the rate of a single mode of action (ie. glyphosate) has not been overly successful, but an alternative solution is to target the above ground material with multiple products, each with a unique mode of action.  Ideally each chemical should be mobile within the plant, and while each individual product may not be enough to control challenging perennials, when used in combination the overall control can be increased – many small hammers. 

INVOLVE® 50 WDG, tribenuron-methyl, is a strong option to consider as a tank mix partner when spraying post cereal harvest.  Active on a wide range of  broadleaf weeds, and its phloem mobile nature helps it get down to the roots to limit future growth1INVOLVE® 50 WDG also allows numerous cover crops to be sown afterwards, and has extremely wide re-crop flexibility the following spring. 

For additional information on INVOLVE® 50 WDG please visit the link to our webpage below, or reach out here with any questions. 

Drew Thompson - Technical Sales Agronomist (Eastern Canada)

INVOLVE 50 WDG:               INVOLVE® 50 WDG | ADAMA East Canada

Cited Literature:              1

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