Explore Grindstone, the first solo aminopyralid registration in broadacre. Achieve weed control in Winter & Summer without compromising crop rotation flexibility....

Grindstone: The First Solo Aminopyralid Registration In Broadacre
NEW Grindstone® is the ideal tank-mix partner herbicide for enhanced knockdown of challenging broadleaf and woody weeds whilst maintaining re-cropping options in the Northern cropping region.
Grindstone is the first ‘straight’ or ‘solo’ formulation of aminopyralid, making it an ideal tank-mix partner for controlling challenging broadleaf weeds whilst maintaining crop rotation flexibility. Its unique soluble liquid (SL) formulation has excellent compatibility.
General Info
Grindstone At A Glance
✔ Aminopyralid Formulation
Solo formulation of 240 g/L aminopyralid (Group 4) promotes flexible usage and keeps re-cropping options open in the Northern cropping zone.
✔ Minimal Impact On Re-Cropping Options
Grindstone has relatively short plant back intervals, maintaining crop rotation flexibility.
✔ Soluble Liquid (SL) Formulation
Excellent compatibility with a range of grass and broadleaf weed herbicides.
✔ Robust Knockdown
When applied in mixtures with ADAMA herbicides, Grindstone provides robust knockdown of challenging broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and summer fallow.
✔ Controls 30+ Broadleaf and woody weeds
When applied with registered tank mix partners, Grindstone is effective in controlling 30+ Broadleaf and woody weeds.
✔ Low Applications Rates
Grindstone is applied at a maximum of 32 mL/ha, minimising packaging, handling and transport.
Application Information and Resources
What locations are suitable for use of Grindstone
Northern cropping region from Parkes/Dubbo (NSW), North to Emerald (QLD) – where winter cereals are grown in rotation with other crops including canola, winter pulses, sorghum and mung beans.
For use in winter cereals and fallow, the target region for Grindstone is Northern NSW and Queensland, where warmer climates, soil temperatures and a summer dominant rainfall is more conducive to residue breakdown enabling re-cropping flexibility.
What crops does Grindstone protect?
Grindstone is approved for use on
- Winter Cereals
- Fallow
- Grass Pasture
- Forestry
- Non-crop situations
What weeds does Grindstone target?
Grindstone is used to control Broadleaf and woody weeds including:
- Climbing buckwheat
- Africian turnip weed
- Common Sowthistle
- Flax- leaf Fleabane
- Spiny emex
- Volunteer legumes
- Wireweed