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Food for the elderly

How ADAMA is playing our part in fighting the Coronavirus

As the novel Coronavirus rages across the world, affecting individuals and communities in every country, we know that we’re all in this together. ADAMA is committed to supporting our people, our neighborhoods, and vulnerable individuals globally, in every way we can. We’re trying our best to help our communities to get through it as one.
Food for the elderly


We rely on frontline workers like doctors and nurses, pharmacists, caregivers, and nursing aides who put their lives on the line to save people suffering from COVID-19. To strengthen medical professionals, we gave respirators and oxygen generators to the Yad Sarah medical equipment organization in Israel, and made a significant donation of medical equipment to the Kaplan hospital in Israel. We also provided funds to the state government of Andhra Pradesh province and the chief minister of Gujarat province in India, where two of our ADAMA plants are located, to help them fight COVID-19 as they best see fit.

We showed our appreciation for the hard work of our frontline workers around the world by sending them the basic personal protective equipment like masks, face shields, and protective suits, which are running short worldwide. Alcohol hand gel and disinfectant to sterilize infected areas are also desperately needed, especially in poorer countries that can’t compete with wealthy countries bidding against each other to buy these items.

Due to a lack of funds and disrupted supply chains, some areas of the world can’t get hold of these vital goods, so we’ve dedicated manpower, distribution lines, and whole factories to helping out. In China, we repurposed production lines over to making alcohol gel and disinfectant, and Kollant in Italy has done the same. So far, we’ve donated 270 tons of sodium hypochlorite disinfectant to local medical agencies, public places, and communities. Alongside that, we’ve secured and distributed 12,386 medical masks to ADAMA partners and customers in China to help slow down the spread of the coronavirus.

Our policy of caring for healthcare workers stretches around the world. In Brazil, ADAMA branches donated alcohol gel, cleaning materials, emergency equipment, protective equipment like masks, suits, and face shields, and health supplies to local hospitals, charity associations, and pastoral centers near our plants in Taquari and Londrina. The virus is only just beginning to spread there, so we’re hopeful that together, we can slow it down enough to prevent a public health disaster.


Heavy economic harm to farmers and disadvantaged families by the Covid-19 crisis has motivated us to collaborate with “Leket Israel,” the National Food Bank for the collection and distribution of fresh produce to people in need. Due to the closure of hotels, restaurants, and catering companies, farmers have more produce than usual and difficulty selling it. Together with Leket, we collected and distributed 75,000 kg of fruit and vegetables to 30,000 vulnerable families. And best of all, we are covering the farmers’ growing costs while distributing unsold produce to those in need.Read more about the cooperation with Leket.

In Israel, we also gave aid packages with food and personal hygiene items to 570 elderly people, and another dozen packages of food, toiletries, and children’s games to women and children who fled abusive homes. In India, we’re supporting 400 vulnerable families in the community that lives close to our plant in Dahej, giving them vital food supplies. Our wonderful colleagues in Dahej raised funds to provide cooked food to another 200 families nearby. And in Brazil, we’ve given out over 500kg of food so far to people in need.


We care about our people, their families, and the communities in which we operate, so we’ve tried to respond to the many ways that the coronavirus is affecting their lives. With schools closed, children have to learn at home through online lessons and assignments, but many families don’t have the resources to help their children with this. We provided computers and internet connectivity for two dozen families in Be’er Sheva and Ashdod, Israel, so that their children can keep up with distance learning. Another 1,000 families in the area received educational kits through ADAMA to help them learn and stay occupied.


ADAMA colleagues regularly volunteer in unique projects through different charity organizations, and we’re not stopping during corona. Our volunteers are using digital means to enrich the lives of at-risk boys and girls, and our people who serve as mentors are still mentoring teens remotely. Our people and their families have also volunteered to aid farmers by sorting and packing food, and distributing food packages to the needy.


Flower growers have been especially hard hit by the coronavirus shutdown, so we purchased bouquets from local farms in Israel to send to 1,500 ADAMA colleagues before Passover, to show our support for our customers and our appreciation for our people at a difficult and worrying time.


We know that we’re only as strong as our people, so we care about each person’s health and lifestyle. Most of our people - wherever possible - are working from home, and we are providing each individual whatever equipment they need to do their job remotely.

For those who have to work on-site, we’re boosting safety by providing company shuttles, implementing safety measures, enforcing social distancing rules, cleaning all areas of our plants thoroughly and frequently, and reducing interactions at the canteen and other high-traffic areas.

Training and development of our people hasn’t stopped either. We’re still maintaining our professional development courses through online webinars, and providing tools, support, and guidance to help our people manage remotely. Our distance fitness programs and parenting support workshops for our people haven’t changed either, plus we’ve added online activities for their children, because we’re all one family.

The only way to survive the coronavirus pandemic is by reaching out to help each other. We’re stepping up to help vulnerable individuals, lending a hand to frontline workers, supporting our people and farmers, and assisting children during anxious times. We’re taking action to reduce the damage done by disease and lockdown and bring nutritious food to the people that need it while supporting farmers worldwide.

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