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Emek package

Mode of Action
Emek active ingredients predominantly absorbed through leaves as well as by roots. Emek rapidly translocated in the weeds and accumulate in the meristematic tissues. It inhibits Acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC ase) as well as photosynthesis at photosystem-2 by disrupting of electron transfer. Weeds cease to grow with in 48 hours after application and complete death occurs within 2-3 weeks. It acts on Phalaris and other broad leafweeds. 


  • Convenient premix formulation of two active ingredients.
  • It contains completely two different mode of action for reliable resistant management of Phalaris minor.
  • A single product provides convenient control for cleaner fields that lead to increased the yields.
  • Healthy crop better yields. 

Time of Application

Emek is recommended for Post emergence application i.e. 35 days after sowing of Wheat crop when weeds are 2 to 4 leaf stage.

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