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Revolutionary nematode control


Nematicide for use on carrots, kūmara / sweet potato, parsnips and potatoes.

Features and benefits of NIMITZ

  • Excellent control of key nematode pests in different crops
  • Truly nematicidal action not merely nematostatic
  • Improved toxicity and ecotoxicity profile versus traditional organophosphate chemistry including Nemacur (fenamiphos)
  • Not subject to enhanced degradation like OP and carbamate nematicides
  • Targeted activity spectrum and IPM compatible
  • Maximised crop potential and greater grower returns
  • Season long treatment can be achieved even after heavy rainfall after planting
  • No additional application equipment investment
  • Confidence that effective nematode control will be achieved now and into the future when used in an effective management strategy
  • Highly effective against susceptible nematodes, but with minimal impact on beneficial and non-target species

For more information on NIMITZ click here to view the Technote or contact your local ADAMA Commercial Manager.

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