Herbicide Acierto® ACIERTO is a high strength, selective herbicide for pre-emergence weed control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds in grain and silage maize and sweetcorn.
Herbicide ADAMA Metsulfuron Herbicide For the control of blackberry, gorse and many scrub weeds in pasture, forest site preparation and waste areas.
Herbicide ADAPT® Herbicide ADAPT is your highly efficient herbicide for post-emergence control of perennial and annual grasses and broadleaf weeds grain and silage maize crops.
Herbicide AFALON® Herbicide AFALON controls weeds in carrots, parsnips, potatoes, asparagus, onions, maize, sweetcorn, linseed, celery, leeks, pipfruit and stonefruit.
Insecticide ALBATROSS® 200SC INSECTICIDE ALBATROSS is a broad spectrum, highly active insecticide for the control of insect pests in vegetable brassica, citrus, mushrooms and thrips.
Insecticide APHIDEX® WG INSECTICIDE APHIDEX is your fast-acting insecticide for aphid control in cereals, fruit and vegetable crops.
Insecticide APOLLO MITICIDE Selective miticide for early season application to pipfruit, stonefruit, berryfruit, glasshouse grapes and hops
Herbicide ARGOSY® ARGOSY is a selective early post-emergence herbicide with short residual activity for ryegrass and white clover seed crops.
Herbicide ARROW® 360 ARROW 360 is a selective post-emergent herbicide for grass weed control in broadleaf crops and forestry.
Herbicide ATRANEX® FLOW ATRANEX FLOW (replacing ATRANEX SC) is a selective herbicide for weed control in maize, sweetcorn, established lucerne and non-crop situations.
Herbicide ATRANEX® WG ATRANEX WG is a residual herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in maize, sweetcorn, linseed and established lucerne.
Insecticide BALLISTIC® INSECTICIDE BALLISTIC controls caterpillars, beetles, thrips and aphids in a broad range of fruit and vegetable crops, trees and ornamentals.
Fungicide BOLIDE® BOLIDE is your all-rounder DMI fungicide for wheat and barley, with outstanding Septoria and Ramularia control.
Crop Enhancement BREVIS® Uniquely formulated for apples and pears and backed by extensive research, BREVIS provides the consistent, reliable results growers demand for fruitlet thinning.
Crop Enhancement BREVISMART® Timing is everything when it comes to apple thinning. BreviSmart is a web-based tool used to predict the optimum timing to apply fruitlet thinner BREVIS.
Herbicide BROADSTAR® HERBICIDE BROADSTAR is your selective post-emergence herbicide for use on onions, cereals, clover and grass seed crops, pasture, potatoes, soya beans, peas, lucerne and turf.
Herbicide BROMOTRIL® HERBICIDE Your fast acting contact herbicide for selective annual broadleaf weed control in barley, oats and wheat.
Fungicide CAVALRY® FUNGICIDE CAVALRY is a broad spectrum fungicide for the control of fungal diseases in fruit, ornamentals, turf, vegetables and wheat.
Fungicide CHIEF® FUNGICIDE Your broad spectrum fungicide in fruit, vegetable and cereal crops. CHIEF is proven to reduce toxic spore counts to protect sheep and cattle from Facial Eczema.
Fungicide CITADEL® FUNGICIDE Citadel controls many diseases in onions, peas, cereals and ryegrass seed crops.
Fungicide CUSTODIA® - NEW! When it comes to fodder and sugar beet, healthy leaves are a sign of a healthy nutritious crop. CUSTODIA delivers just that.
Herbicide CUTLASS® HERBICIDE CUTLASS is a powerful, selective herbicide for the control of difficult broadleaf weeds in cereals, maize, pasture and waste areas.
Herbicide CYCLONE® CYCLONE (previously ALANEX) provides selective pre-emergence control of certain grasses in maize, sweetcorn, forage brassicas and various vegetable crops.
Insecticide DART® 800 For the control of insect pests in pasture, cereals, seed crops and other horticultural crops