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Andy Bailey, Cereal Specialist

Global cereal resistance expert returning to NZ

Tough cereal resistance message expected again
Andy Bailey, Cereal Specialist

Andy Bailey, Technical Specialist at Adama UK, will be visiting this country in late July/early August to share his experience on Septoria resistance yet again.

In 2017 the impact of Septoria tritici (speckled leaf blotch) resistance in cereals globally was powerfully reinforced to the industry locally by a visiting overseas expert.

This month, he’s returning for an update on the European experience of the issue.

Andy Bailey, Technical Specialist at Adama UK for fungicides, and guest of crop protection company Adama New Zealand, shared his knowledge and research findings on Septoria resistance management in the UK and Ireland. Andy is part of FRAG – the UK’s Fungicide Resistance Action Group, which includes scientists, regulators, manufacturers, advisors and growers, and has over 20 years’ experience in fungicide development and resistance management.

Learning from the UK to combat Septoria resistance

Septoria resistance surfaced in the UK nearly a decade earlier than in this country, giving New Zealand an opportunity to learn from their experience in how to help peg-back the advance of the acknowledged yield-robber.

Daren Mabey, Commercial Manager of Adama New Zealand, says the outcome of the visit was a reinforcement of the need to take steps to avoid the sometimes catastrophic losses that the UK had experienced. Adama New Zealand had previously introduced chemistry – the combination DMI fungicide Bolide® (DMI – Group M3) and multi-site fungicide Phoenix® (Phthalimide – Group M4) to combat resistance and protect the efficacy of products cereal growers have relied on for decades.

A year on, and Andy Bailey is visiting again to talk with merchants and influencers in the North and South Islands. However, Septoria is not the only issue on his agenda.

Ramularia resistance on the horizon

Resistance to Ramularia is now proven in the UK, Ireland and Germany.

Daren Mabey, Commercial Manager of Adama New Zealand, says Adama is working hard to ensure that this country is well-prepared to face it too. “Just as with Septoria, we’re confident we have the tools this season to help growers.”

He says Andy’s return visit is a reflection of Adama’s continued commitment to this risk to yields. “Addressing resistance is one of the most important issues for New Zealand cereal growers today, and into the foreseeable future.”

Future proof your resistance management with Phoenix and Bolide today!

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