February 2023
06 March, 2023
1min read

ADAMA’s Commercial Manager’s Bryce Simpson and Doug Speer attended the 2023 FAR Maize Conference. Over 80 people attended this event with more joining online.
The topics and speakers included:
- Professor Fred Below, from the USA
- Fred discussed the latest trends in maize in the US including varying planting densities, row spacing, the use of slightly different cultivars to maximise production off a given field. This can compensate for soil type variability. The regular use of fungicide application was noted. Most growers now use a fungicide and capitalise on the benefits
- David Densley talked on precision agriculture for maize productivity and quality
- FAR’s Abie Horrocks discussed the long-term crop establishment and some of the impacts that cultivation has on soil structure and water infiltration
- FAR’s researcher Dirk Wallace discussed reducing nitrogen inputs
- AgResearch scientist Trevor James talked on cover crops for weed management
- FAR’s technology manager Chris Smith discussed sensor technology ascertain a plant recipe for a given fields variance
Doug mentioned he really enjoyed Prof. Below’s way of getting the message across and putting science into a more practicable message. Being a lecturer, he had a great way of presenting. Well worth attending.
For more information on FAR click on the link www.far.org.nz