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The Grower’s Guide to Imazamox

For its tank-mixability, residual control and flexible re-cropping options, imazamox has become the go-to active for many pea and soybean growers...

Pest Profile: Sclerotinia Stem Rot

Sclerotinia stem rot, a.k.a white mould, is a notorious yield-grabber, especially for canola crops. The disease overwinters in soil and on crop...

Pest Profile: Green Foxtail

A heavy seed producer, green foxtail can release up to 34,000 seeds per plant, and its fibrous root system helps it gather nutrients even in the...

Prepare for Flea Beetles

Striped and crucifer flea beetles are some of the most common insect pests in Canada, with striped flea beetles becoming increasingly more...

Pest Profile: Crown Rust

Also known as leaf rust, crown rust can infect cultivated oat, wild oat and a few wild grasses, but won’t infect cereals like wheat, barley or rye...