Winter Wheat Solutions
Find our portfolio of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides for your Winter Wheat here.
- Multiple modes of action and fast burndown control of broadleaf (including Group 2-, 4-, 5- and 9-resistant biotypes) and grassy weeds (when mixed with glyphosate)
- NOTE: Does not include Group 9-resistant fleabane
- Pre-plant option when tank-mixed with glyphosate to control tough broadleaf weeds.
- Control of broadleaf and grassy weeds pre-plant and post-harvest applications
- Proven control of almost 30 broadleaf weeds; Easy-to-use tank-mix options for one-shot weed control
- Wide window of application and excellent control of wild oats; Tank-mix flexibility with multiple broadleaf herbicides
- Tough broadleaf weed control with tank-mix flexibility and excellent crop safety
- Superior control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds like thistles, dandelions and cleavers. Now in a more convenient formulation with flexible use rates!
Always read and follow label directions.
- Control of a wide range of insects.
SOMBRERO® 600 FS (seed treatment)
- Long-lasting, early-season control of tough insect pests – including wireworms.
- Advanced formulation using sustainable plant-based materials
- Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) with low odour formulation
- Improved user experience and flexibility of use around odour-sensitive areas
- Trusted and proven active ingredient
- Broad range of crops, pests and use patterns
Always read and follow label directions.
To learn more about our fungicide portfolio visit !
- A great disease option to protect against septoria leaf spot, glume blotch, powdery mildew, leaf rust, stem rust, tan spot and stripe rust
- Foliar fungicide for protection against leaf diseases including leaf rust, stem rust, stripe rust, septoria leaf blotch and tan spot
- Post-emergent treatment for the suppression of fusarium head blight and control of listed foliar diseases
- Proven fusarium protection in wheat and barley
- Absorbital® Formulation Technology helps to deliver uniform coverage for consistent protection
- Simple choice without the complication of grower programming
- Application flexibility
- Performance over a wide range of conditions
- Advanced disease protection powered by Asorbital® Formulation Technology which contains a built-in surfactant
- Apply during ideal conditions for suppression of Fusarium head blight.
- For best results and protection against a number of leaf diseases, apply once between stem elongation and half-head emergence with good spray coverage.
Always read and follow label directions.