PHOENIX is your innovative cereal fungicide for controlling speckled leaf blotch (Septoria tritici), Ramularia and scald.

Future-proof your cereal resistance management strategy
Speckled leaf blotch (Septoria tritici) and Ramularia can have a devastating impact on your crops. This is especially the case when these diseases become resistant to established modes of action. Consequently, it is vital to protect current efficacy and stop further resistance development to Septoria and Ramularia. This is where PHOENIX comes in. Its multi-site protectant activity protects the activity of both SDHI and triazole fungicides from emerging resistance. Working against diseases at a cellular level, it applies three modes of actions.
ADAMA results show that PHOENIX is your ideal partner with DMI fungicides such as BOLIDE® and other triazole chemistry. There is currently no known resistance to folpet any-where in the world. PHOENIX has the additional benefit of not inhibiting DMI uptake, ensuring their speed of action and their efficacy. This makes PHOENIX truly unique!
When to apply? At T1!
The right timing for application is critical for controlling Septoria. Septoria has a very long latent period. Crops will already be affected way before anything shows. The best timing to apply PHOENIX with a triazole fungicide such as BOLIDE, STELLAR® or PROTHAGO®is at T1, when leaf 3 emerges. An infected leaf 3 can easily infect leaf 2 and the flag leaf. Keeping leaf 3 clean is essential for maintaining full yield potential as the crop reaches maturity. This is the time to control Septoria with an effective and adequate fungicide program.
Under high disease pressure and with a susceptible variety PHOENIX can also be applied earlier at T0. Alternatively, if disease is evident at T2, then PHOENIX can be used again at this timing.
When to apply? At T1 and T2!
If only one spray of PHOENIX is being applied for Ramularia control, then T2 is the optimum timing for it. This ensures that leaves 2 and 3 are protected. For best results though, a programmed approach is recommended, applying PHOENIX at T1 and at T2. PHOENIX is your cornerstone for Ramularia control! PHOENIX is limited to two applications only. For more details on application please read the PHOENIX label.