Herbicide Excalibur® IVM Control annual and perennial weeds in commercial and industrial areas, rights of way and forestry situations (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents)
Herbicide Exonerate® Non-selective contact herbicide for the control of grasses and broadleaf weeds (no control creep). (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Herbicide Fairway™ For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, cereal rye, oats, triticale and turf. (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Herbicide Flagship™ 400 Translocated post-emergence herbicide controlling a range of economically important broadleaf weeds in cereals, fallow, pastures, sorghum and non-crop situations.
Herbicide Galigan® 500 SC Residual and knockdown control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds. A concentrated SC oxyfluorfen formulation.
Insecticide Kohinor® 350 Foliar and/or soil-applied treatment of several key insect pests in cotton, various fruit and vegetable crops, turf and ornamentals and sugarcane.
Fungicide Magellan® 800WG For the prevention and control of Phytophthora rots in ornamentals and Pythium in turf. (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Herbicide Magnacide® H Controls submerged aquatic weeds and algae in both lined and unlined irrigation canals and enclosed waters. (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Herbicide Matrix® 500 Selective pre- and post-emergence control of certain broadleaf weeds and grasses in situations including onions, beet crops, poppies, ryegrass pastures and turf.
Herbicide MCPA 750 For the control of broadleaf weeds in cereals, linseed, pastures, rice, sugarcane and turf.
Insecticide Optiforce® Pre and post-construction management of subterranean termites and other urban insect pests. (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Fungicide Patriot® For control of fungal diseases in recreational turf. (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Herbicide Platinum® Xtra 360 A concentrated clethodim formulation for the control of annual grasses in forestry and ornamentals.
Growth Regulators Quali-Pro Foursome™ Quali-Pro® Foursome™ enhances and extends the aesthetic appearance of turf following application. (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents)
Fungicide Quali-Pro® Compass® Control diseases in Turf, including bowling greens, fairways, golf greens & tees, racetracks and sports fields. Only available to Professional & Consumer agents
Herbicide Quali-Pro® Crest™ Broadleaf weed control in turf, a safe solution for warm-season turfgrasses including buffalo (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Fungicide Quali-Pro® Enclave® Broad-spectrum eradicant, curative and preventative control of key turf diseases including Brown Patch and Fusarium Patch. Only available to Professional & Consumer agents.
Fungicide Quali-Pro® Evolution® Diseases control on golf greens, tees and fairways, bowling clubs, sports fields and racetracks. (Only available to Professional & Consumer agents).
Fungicide Quali-Pro® Evolution® Advance Systemic, curative and preventative disease control of all major foliar, crown and root diseases of turf