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An insect growth regulator (IGR) that provides broad-spectrum control against yield-damaging plant bugs and a wide range of Lepidoptera.

Diamond Insecticide Jug

Crop protection

  • Disrupts Insect Development: as a third-generation chitin inhibitor, Diamond interferes with insect development via transovarian disruption, resulting in reduced egg lay and hatch.
  • IPM Friendly: moderate on beneficials; unique mode of action reduces the potential for environmental exposure when compared to many current standard materials.
  • Resistance Management: an alternative mode of action provides an excellent resistance management tool for long-lasting protection.
  • Proven Yield Increase: incorporating Diamond into an early Lygus control program in Cotton has shown to increase overall yields.


Key Target Details


Diamond Cotton Chart 1

The average application for Diamond insecticide will pay for itself with fewer than 15 additional lbs of cotton… even in the absence of insect pressure.

Credit: Diamond application rate: 6 ounces. MSU. 2015.

Diamond Cotton Chart 2

This graph shows different application timings with a single application of Diamond. From left to right, the bars represent no Diamond, third week of flowering, first flower, and third week of squaring. A single application of Diamond at anytime during the season resulted in a 123 lb increase in lint yield. When the application was made during the late squaring period, there was a 266 lb increase in lint yield. This corresponded to adults migrating into the cotton from corn.

Credit: JeffGore, Angus Catchot, Don Cook, and Fred Musser. MSU. 2015.


diamond sorghum chart

Diamond Midge Sorghum 2


Diamond Sugarcane Charts 1

Diamond Sugarcane Charts 2


Diamond Peanut Chart 1

Diamond Peanut Chart 2


Diamond Soybean Chart 1

Diamond Soybean Chart 2

Diamond Soybean Chart 3

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