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ADAMA Canada Ltd.

300 - 191 Lombard Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0X1

Our Team

Western Canada
Deanna Chabot
Northern Alberta - Spirit River
Cheri Jeworski
North Central Alberta - Vermilion
Kathleen Murphy
South Central Alberta - Clive
Craig Olson
Southern Alberta - Calgary
Team Alberta map 2025
Ian Schafer
Southwest Saskatchewan
Brooke Moon
Northeast Saskatchewan
Gord Hounjet
West Central Saskatchewan
Kim Fowler
Southeast Saskatchewan
Neil Abrahamson
East Saskatchewan & Parkland
Haley Tetreault
Northwest & Southwest Central Saskatchewan
Shantelle Cave
Central Saskatchewan
Mackenzie Walter
The regional director names and their territories highlighted on a map of saskatchewan. Please refer to the page content.
Gerald Hildebrand
Western Manitoba
Andrew Kaminsky
Eastern Manitoba
Neil Abrahamson
Manitoba Parkland
Rob Bahry
Development Manager
Patty Soloducha
Northern Saskatchewan
Drew Thompson
Eastern Canada - Ontario
Melissa Ostash
Marci LeBlanc
Southern Saskatchewan
The five TSAs and their territories highlighted on a map of canada. Please refer to the website page content.
Dennis Roth
Area Business Manager
Gavin Lunn
Key Account Manager
Territory Maps Eastern Canada
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