Herbicide 2,4-D Ester 700 A Group 4 liquid herbicide providing effective control of difficult weeds in cereals, field corn, pastures and non-crop land.
Herbicide ADAMA GLUFOSINATE 150 SL Reliable formulation for post-emergent control of almost 30 broadleaf and grassy weeds for use in glufosinate-ammonium-tolerant canola and soybeans.
Herbicide ARMORY ALL IN™ Provides fast drydown of crops, protecting yield and grade, and reducing disease transmission late in the season.
Herbicide ARMORY® 240 Provides fast drydown of crops, protecting yield and grade, and reducing disease transmission late in the season.
Herbicide ARROW ALL IN® Your best tank-mix partner for all glufosinate products. ARROW ALL IN® provides the convenience of a built-in surfactant and is available in bulk.
Herbicide ARROW® 240 EC Broad-spectrum grassy weed control for canola, pulses and other broadleaf and specialty crops.
Herbicide BADGE® Proven control of almost 30 broadleaf weeds in cereal, flax and corn with easy-to-use tank-mix options for one-shot weed control.
Herbicide BISON® 400 L Get a wide window of application and excellent control of Persian darnel, wild oats and other grassy weeds with one of the most tank-mix flexible graminicides.
Herbicide BRAZEN ALL IN™ Post-emergence herbicide for the control of grassy weeds with great tank-mix flexibility and a built-in adjuvant.
Herbicide BRAZEN® II One of the most trusted and widely used graminicides for grassy weed control in spring wheat and barley with great tank-mix flexibility
Herbicide BROMOTRIL® Tough broadleaf weed control with tank-mix flexibility and excellent crop safety.
Fungicide BUMPER® 432 EC Broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that protects against yield and quality losses due to leaf disease.
Herbicide CAZADO™ True dual mode of action control of wild oats, the first ever in-crop opportunity for wheat growers to proactively protect against grassy weed resistance.
Insecticide CORMORAN® Multiple modes of action for resistance management of Colorado potato beetle control in potatoes as well as a wide rang of other insects in specialty crops.
Fungicide CUSTODIA® CUSTODIA® offers both preventative and curative protection on a wide range of the most dangerous leaf diseases in cereals.
Herbicide DAVAI® 80 SL Tough broadleaf weed control with tank-mix flexibility and excellent crop safety.
Herbicide DAVAI® A PLUS DAVAI® 80 SL conveniently packaged with ARROW ALL IN® the leading grass control product in pulses.
Herbicide DAVAI® Q PLUS Excellent rotation partner with dual modes of action for controlling stubborn clumping grasses, such as Persian darnel and barnyard grass, and broadleaf weeds.
Herbicide EMPHASIS® Pre-seed glyphosate partner that delivers multiple modes of action and fast burndown control of broadleaf and grasses.
Herbicide EMPHASIS® MAX EMPHASIS® MAX with it’s dual mode of action, has an increased rate of cafentrazone for enhanced control of Kochia, including group 2,4,5 and 9 resistant biotypes.
Herbicide ESTEEM ALL IN® Superior control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds like thistles, dandelions and cleavers. Now in a more convenient formulation with flexible use rates!
Herbicide ESTEEM® Superior control of broadleaf weeds like thistles and cleavers in barley, spring wheat and durum.
Herbicide FORCEFIGHTER ALL IN® FORCEFIGHTER ALL IN provides dual modes of action post-emergent control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in wheat (spring and durum) and barley.