Don’t Make This Year’s Weeds Next Year’s Problems

Wednesday, August 31, 2022 - Winnipeg, Manitoba - This year was challenging for Canadian farmers who were faced with limited supplies of crop protection products as they battled a host of pests and weeds. As supply chain challenges are expected to continue throughout the winter, ADAMA Canada is recommending to clean up fields this fall in preparation for next year.
“We’re expecting supply chain challenges will persist for crop protection products throughout the winter. Anything you can do in the post harvest window would be a very wise step to get ahead of potential challenges for next year,” says Cornie Thiessen, general manager, ADAMA Canada.
Elimination of weeds in the fall means fewer hosts for diseases and insects. Winter annual and perennial weeds shouldn’t be underestimated and can lead to yield losses in winter wheat. Producers also need to be aware of the weeds that appear at the beginning of spring, and this is where a post harvest burndown can be a beneficial and effective tool to providing a cleaner seedbed for the crop next spring.
Many growers still depend on glyphosate alone as a fall burndown option, but more are beginning to understand that glyphosate alone doesn’t get everything. And that there are benefits and value of adding something with it to help - such as a tank-mix partner.
“In years with poor conditions many producers still think that going straight to glyphosate is the most economically wise option, but that is not always the case,” says Thiessen.
ADAMA Canada has some burndown solutions that can help and recommends trying these products with glyphosate for the post harvest burndown.
For example in Western Canada, PRIORITY when combined with glyphosate provides the benefits of extended control of broadleaf weeds for up to 21 days. Its active ingredient florasulam is broken down by the sun and heat. Cooler fall temperatures are ideal for longer results. Post harvest applications can be seeded to barley, oats and wheat (spring, durum, winter) the following year.
It targets weeds including: annual grasses (with glyphosate), cleavers, cow cockle, dandelions, narrow-leaved hawk’s beard (suppression only), volunteer canola (all types), wild buckwheat (with glyphosate).
Another option in combination with glyphosate is INVOLVE 50 WDG, with its slower systemic action controls right down to the roots and helps to prevent regrowth of weeds. Post harvest applications made in the fall may be seeded into a variety of cereals, pulses, canola or forages, see the label for more information.
Its target weeds include annual grasses (when tank mixed with glyphosate), Canada thistle (Rosette), dandelion (up to 15 cm), hemp nettle (up to 15 cm), kochia (up to 15 cm)(*excluding Gr 2 & 9 resistant populations), lady’s thumb (up to 15 cm) (when tank mixed with glyphosate), narrow-leaved hawk's beard (up to eight cm), redroot pigweed, volunteer canola (all types) (up to 15 cm), volunteer cereals (with glyphosate).
ADAMA 2,4-D Ester 700 has the benefits of resistance management - three modes of action when combined with glyphosate and INVOLVE controls one to three leaf volunteer canola (all types) and group two & nine resistant kochia. There are no re-cropping restrictions with post harvest applications.
Target weeds for this product include cow cockle (controlled by Gr 4 herbicides), flixweed, kochia, lamb’s quarters, lady’s thumb (*Use the highest listed rate for suppression), narrow-leaved hawk’s beard, prickly lettuce, shepherd's purse, stinkweed. Volunteer canola (all types), wild mustard.
“This season may not have been an easy one, and we know crop protection supply has been a challenge, to help address this we are pleased to announce that we have just begun producing our own 2,4-D at our plant in the United States,” said Thiessen. "That will help us bypass some of the ongoing supply chain bottlenecks and help address shortages here in Canada. It also shows our commitment to deliver the products that our producers need."
Always read and follow registered product label instructions. It is an offense under the Pest Control Products Act to use these products in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label.
About ADAMA:
ADAMA Canada has been supplying the Canadian agricultural community with crop protection products for more than a decade. We offer an innovative approach to agriculture and proactively seek opportunities to listen to what our customers, experts and colleagues have to say, taking their inputs and learning from their experience. We combine these insights with our expertise and respond with new products, solutions, services, tailored commercial policies, or information that is relevant to them. We are passionate about agriculture and approach what we do as much more than just a job. Our straightforward, get-it-done attitude helps us stay focused on what we care about most: helping our customers create more sustainable, profitable businesses. ADAMA is the seventh largest crop protection company globally with sales in 100 countries and has the largest portfolio of any company with over 270 active ingredients.