Superior control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds like thistles, dandelions and cleavers. Now in a more convenient formulation with flexible use rates!
How it works:
Moves within the plant to control exposed and underground plant tissues. It mimics naturally occurring plant hormones which control weeds by disrupting normal plant growth patterns. Symptoms of effect include epinasty (twisting of the stems) and swollen nodes.
Application Rates and Acres Treated:
Low rate: 730 ml/ac
Acres Treated: 15 ac/jug
High rate: 970 ml/ac
Acres Treated: 11 ac/jug
Case: 2 x 10.93 L jugs
Water Volume:
Ground: 20 – 40 L/ac (5 – 10 US gal/ac)
Aerial: 12 – 20 L/ac (3 – 5 US gal/ac)
4 hours
Crop Staging:
Spring wheat, spring barley & oats: 3-leaf to just before the flag leaf.
Winter wheat in the spring: 3 tiller stage to just before the flag leaf.