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BISON® 400 L

Get a wide window of application and excellent control of annual grasses in cereals and seedling forage grasses grown for seed.


Key Crops and Application Rates

Wheat (spring, winter and durum)

Apply 200 mL/acre. One case treats 40 acres. Apply 20 to 40 L/acre of water for ground application. For aerial, use 12–18 L/ac. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that Bison can be used on and the weeds that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.


Apply 200 mL/acre. One case treats 40 acres. Apply 20 to 40 L/acre of water for ground application. For aerial, use 12–18 L/ac. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that Bison can be used on and the weeds that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.


Apply 200 mL/acre. One case treats 40 acres. Apply 20 to 40 L/acre of water for ground application. For aerial, use 12–18 L/ac. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that Bison can be used on and the weeds that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.

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