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Grassy weed control for soybeans and a variety of specialty crops with the convenience of a built-in surfactant


Don’t settle for basic grass control when you can have the advanced formulation with ARROW ALL IN®.

It offers the same effective control as other clethodim herbicides, but with more concentrated packaging, fewer jugs and the added convenience of a built-in surfactant. That means less time spent getting ready to spray and more time getting the job done


  • Flexible tank-mix options
  • One solution for grassy weed control in multiple crops, including canola, dry beans, soybeans and a variety of specialty crops
  • Proven to be equally effective as other clethodim products like Centurion® 
  • 80-acre case with built-in surfactant cuts down on the amount of cases per field by half, saving time and hassle.
  • Surfactant comes pre-mixed: simplifies spraying; convenient; saves time.
  • A proven solution: while new to Canada and unique to our market, the ARROW ALL IN®superior formulation provides consistently better mixing than the competition.

General Info


The active ingredient is translocated from the treated foliage to the growing points of the leaves, shoots and roots. Leaf foliage will first change from green to yellowish, then purplish and finally brown. Newest leaf of affected plant pulls out easily in 3 – 5 days. Time required for complete control is normally 7 – 21 days following treatment, depending on growing conditions and crop competition.


  • Case: 2 x 6 L jugs
  • Bulk: 96 L drums
  • Tote: 450 L tote


  • Rate: 100 – 300 ml/ac
  • Acres Treated: 20 – 60 ac/jug; 320 – 960 ac/drum; 1500-4500 ac/tote


  • Ground: 40 L/ac (10 US gal/ac)
  • Aerial: Do not apply by air.


  • 1 hour

Key Crops and Application Rates


Apply up to 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 60 days.*

Always read and follow label directions.

Chickpeas (Desi & Kabuli)

Apply up to 150 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 60 days.

Always read and follow label directions.


Apply 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 60 days.

Always read and follow label directions.

Field Peas

Apply up to 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 75 days.

Always read and follow label directions.


Apply up to 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 60 days.

Always read and follow label directions.


Apply up to 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 75 days.

Always read and follow label directions.

Alfalfa, seedling

Apply up to 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 30 days.

Always read and follow label directions.

Dry Beans (Pinto, Black, Great Northern, Red, Pink, Navy)

Apply a maximum of 150 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 60 days.

Always read and follow label directions.

Flax (including low linolenic varieties)

Apply up to 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 60 days.

Always read and follow label directions.

Mustard (oriental, brown, yellow, condiment type only)

Apply up 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 60 days.

Always read and follow label directions.


Apply up to 300 ml/ac and observe a PHI of 72 days.

Always read and follow label directions.

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