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Kids in a garden

Social Responsibility

We listen and learn from our partners, farmers and communities

Educating Future Chemistry Scientists

We strive to educate and nurture the future generation of chemists. Throughout the years, we have collaborated extensively with leading academic institutions to promote excellence and encourage chemistry studies. ADAMA leads, funds and supports various programs, from their ideation process to their execution. We also facilitate training, mentoring, on-site visits, steering committees and more.

Through these integrated continuum programs, we instill curiosity in chemistry and empower students throughout their years of study, with the aim of strengthening the chemistry sector.

Man in chemistry lab

Chemistry Scientists Projects

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Marie Curie & Archimedes

ADAMA is proud to have established two leading academic chemistry programs for outstanding high-school students in Israel. The aim of these programs is to increase the number of students studying chemistry at academic levels and create connections between the students, ADAMA and the industry. Since we launched the “Marie Curie” program at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in 2014, around 400 students have taken part. The “Archimedes” program at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, established in 2012, has accommodated around 600 students.
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YESODOT (Foundations) is a Chemistry Excellence Program in the city of Beer Sheva, Israel, aiming to increase the number of students studying chemistry in high school. The program focuses on training chemistry teachers and also encouraging students to participate in the ‘Marie Curie’ program. The program is a 3-year partnership (2020-2022) with Beer Sheva municipality, the Ben-Gurion University and other local partners that promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education in the city. ADAMA employees are involved in the programs’ committees as well as supporting the ongoing activities.
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Promoting Agriculture, Sciences & Sustainability

We understand the importance of educating youth about where our food comes from and the challenges of growing crops. By rolling up their sleeves and digging their hands in the soil, we help children discover the world of agriculture, connect them to nature, and promote the values of sustainability.

ADAMA has initiated several programs over the years, focusing on educational activities, scientific experiments, and agricultural volunteering, emphasizing the value of work, mutual responsibility, and love of the land. We know diversity drives creativity, so these programs focus on reaching a variety of sectors within the vibrant and multicultural fabric of our society.

Kids working in a community garden

Sciences & Sustainability Projects


"Sowing Seeds of Science"

The Scientific Research Greenhouses ”Sowing Seeds of Science" is ADAMA's flagship community program in Israel. The project was initiated in 2013, following our vision to promote advanced agriculture by investing in learning infrastructures in the educational system. Over the years we have invested over $500,000 in three educational farms in Ashdod (2013), Beer Sheva (2014), and Lod (2020). Our investment focused on building state-of-the-art infrastructures, which include scientific research greenhouses and digital classrooms, and developing unique educational programs. Thousands of school students visit the three farms each week, experimenting with scientific research under the supervision of the educational staff at the farm, experts from the academic world, and our People who volunteer there on a regular basis. In 2021, we added new professional content to include aspects of precision agriculture, healthy nutrition, and more.
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Community Gardens

Through these activities we aim to empower and strengthen underprivileged populations and promote awareness of environmental sustainability. Each year, more than 6,000 participants take part in 25 projects across Israel.

“ADAMA Ofanim”

This unique project within the Bedouin community in Israel connects our social activities with our D&I goals, by involving our People from the Arab sector sharing their personal experiences with the students. In the next 3 years, we are planning to expand this program to reach 75 additional participants each year.
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"The New Guard"

The Covid pandemic and other challenges, led to labor shortages in the farming sector. Together, with "The New Guard" a local NGO that assists farmers, we formed a unique program to support farmers with labor in 4 volunteering centers in Israel. The young volunteers gain experience in the world of agriculture.
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    "Thanks to ADAMA's significant support and partnerships, Ofanim's students in Kseife have seen the STEM content they learn in our mobile labs be implemented in the real world.”

    Eli Dror
    CEO of Ofanim

Evaluation & Measurement Processes

For the past three years, ADAMA has led evaluation and measurement processes in our major educational and social projects (investments of more than $30,000 per year) to understand and improve our social impact. The processes are led by Dr. Liora Pascal, an expert on evaluation and measurement in the education system.

These evaluations are based on:

  1. Learning from people on the ground, research evaluation questions, development of assessment tools, data gathering, and analysis of findings.
  2. Metric definitions of the Israeli Ministry of Education’s Future-Oriented Pedagogy, and the OECD’s Learning Compass.
  3. Building our social partners' independent evaluation capacity, to deepen the long-term social impact of our investments.

Projects evaluated: "Sowing Seeds of Science" (2020-2023), "Archimedes" (2021), "Marie  Curie" (beginning in 2022)

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    "Evaluation processes with long-term monitoring and measurement to identify trends, contribute to refining the goals of the projects and the expected results of the target populations. ADAMA’s explicit requests and expectations, made this happen".

    Liora Pascal, PhD

GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards

GRI 103, GRI 102-12, GRI 413-1

Sustainable Development Goals

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.​

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