Controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds with excellent grassy weed herbicide compatibility. NOW in a more convenient formulation!
- Control of Group 2-resistant biotypes of kochia
- Suppression of Group 2-resistant biotypes of chickweed
- Convenient and trusted formulation
- Easily tank-mixes with the most popular grassy weed control herbicides
- Available in convenient bulk option
General Info
Group 4 herbicides disrupt normal plant growth, resulting in twisting and cupping of leaves, epinasty and death of susceptible plants in 2 – 10 days.
Active Ingredients
Fluroxypyr 90 g/L and 2,4-D ester 360 g/L as an EC
Case: 2 x 8.9 L jugs
Drum: 106.8 L
Tote: 427.2 L
Application Rates & Acres Treated
Rate: 445 ml/ac
Acres Treated: 40 ac/case;240 ac/drum;960 ac/tote
Water Volume
Ground: 3-10 US gal/ac (12-40 L/ac)
Aerial: 3-5 US gal/ac (12-20 L/ac)
1 hour
Quick Tip
RUSH 24 ALL IN® activity is influenced by weather conditions. Optimum activity requires active crop and weed growth. The temperature range for optimum activity is 12°C to 24°C. Reduced activity will occur when temperatures are below 8°C or above 27°C. Frost before application (3 days) or shortly after (3 days) may reduce weed control and crop tolerance. Weed control may be reduced during stress conditions, for example drought, heat or cold stress, or if weeds have initiated flowering, or if heavy infestations exist.