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2,4-D Ester 700

A Group 4 liquid herbicide providing effective control of difficult weeds in cereals, field corn, pastures and non-crop land.

2,4-D Packaging

General Info


Systemic activity hinders plant cell growth in newly forming stems and leaves promoting uncontrolled, unsustainable growth, causing stem curl-over, leaf withering and eventual plant death.


  • Case: 2 × 10 L jugs
  • Drum: 120 L 
  • Tote: 1000 L


  • Rate: 200 – 600 ml/ac
  • Acres Treated: 17 – 50 ac/jug; 200 – 600 ac/drum; 1665-5000 ac/tote


  • Ground: 12.5 – 50 L/ac (5 – 15 US gal/ac) 
  • Aerial: Minimum 12 L/ac (3 US gal/ac)


  • Avoid applying when rain is forecast.

Key Crops and Application Rates

Barley, Rye, Wheat (spring and winter)

For ground or aerial application. If pre-seed or pre-emergent, apply at a rate of 200-400 ml/ac. If in 4-leaf to flagleaf stage, apply up to 400 ml/ac. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that 2,4-D Ester 700 can be used on and the weed problems that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.

Winter Wheat & Fall Rye

For ground or aerial application. If pre-seed or pre-emergent, apply at a rate of 0200-400 ml/ac. In spring, from full tillering to shot blade stage, apply up to 300 ml/ac. Do not apply during and after flag leaf stage, nor to seedling cereals in fall. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that 2,4-D Ester 700 can be used on and the weed problems that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.

Field Corn

For ground or aerial application, apply up to 300 ml/ac with at least 40 L/ac of water before the 6-leaf stage. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that 2,4-D Ester 700 can be used on and the weed problems that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.

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