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Proven control of almost 30 broadleaf weeds in cereal, flax and corn with easy-to-use tank-mix options for one-shot weed control.


General Info


A combination of systemic and contact activity with weeds yellowing within 2 – 4 days and exhibiting abnormal growth (twisting and cupping of leaves) in 2 – 10 days.


  • Case: 2 × 10 L jugs 
  • Bulk: 120 L drums
  • Tote: 450 L


  • Rate: 500 ml/ac
  • Acres Treated: 20 ac/jug; 240 ac/drum; 900 ac/tote


  • Ground: 20 – 40 L/ac (5 – 10 US gal/ac) in cereals and flax; 80 – 120 L/ac (20 – 30 US gal/ac) in corn; 60 L/ac (15 US gal/ac) in forages
  • Aerial: 8 – 20 L/ac (2 – 5 US gal/ac)


  • 1 hour


Crop Stage
Barley, Oats, Wheat (spring, durum) 2 leaf to early flag
Canary seed 3 – 5 leaf
Corn 4 – 6 leaf
Fall rye When growth commences in spring to early flag leaf
Flax (including low linolenic varieties) 2 inches to early bud stage. Best tolerance occurs when flax is 2 – 4 inches tall.
Seedling grasses 2 – 4 leaf
Timothy (established for seed production) Prior to shot blade in the seed production year
Winter wheat 2 – 4 leaf stage in the fall or after growth resumes up to early flag leaf


Key Crops and Application Rates

Cereals (wheat, barley, oats)

Apply 500 ml/ac or one case treats 40 acres (2 x 10 L jug per case). For water volume, ground is 20 to 40 L/ac in cereals. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that Badge can be used on and the weeds that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.


Apply 500 ml/ac or one case treats 40 acres (2 x 10 L jug per case). For water volume, ground is 20 to 40 L/ac in flax. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that Badge can be used on and the weeds that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.


Apply 500 ml/ac or one case treats 40 acres (2 x 10 L jug per case). For water volume, ground is 80 to 120 L/ac in corn. See label for specific rates, application timing and complete lists of crops that Badge can be used on and the weeds that it controls. Always read and follow label directions.

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