Superior control of broadleaf weeds like thistles and cleavers in barley, spring wheat and durum.

ESTEEM ALL IN® - Upgraded formulation now available!
General Info
The components of ESTEEM® move within the plant to control exposed and underground plant tissues. It mimics naturally occurring plant hormones which control weeds by disrupting normal plant growth patterns. Symptoms of effect include epinasty (twisting of the stems) and swollen nodes.
- Case: Fluroxypyr 180: 1 × 9.6 L jug; MCPA Ester 600: 1 × 11.01 L jug; Clopyralid 360: 1 × 3.32 L jug
- Rate: · Low: 240 ml/ac Fluroxypyr; 280 ml/ac MCPA Ester 600; 84 ml/ac Clopyralid
- High: 320 ml/ac Fluroxypyr; 365 ml/ac MCPA Ester 600; 111 ml/ac Clopyralid
- Acres Treated: 30 – 40 ac/case
- Ground: 20 – 40 L/ac (5 – 10 US gal/ac)
- Aerial: 12 – 20 L/ac (3 – 5 US gal/ac)
- 4 hours
Key Crops and Application Rates
Apply post-emergence when weeds are in the 2 to 4 leaf stage and barley is from 3-leaf to just prior to flag leaf emergence. Do not apply later than the flag leaf emergence stage.
At 40 acres per case, ESTEEM will control:
Wild buckwheat, burdock, cleavers, Canada thistle (low infestations), cocklebur, field horsetail (top growth), volunteer flax, flixweed, kochia, lamb’s quarters, wild mustard, plantain (top growth), prickly lettuce, ragweeds, shepherd’s purse, stinkweed, stork’s bill, volunteer sunflowers, annual sunflowers, vetch, wild radish
At 30 acres per case, ESTEEM will also control:
Tartary buckwheat, Canada thistle (medium to high infestations, season long control), volunteer canola, chickweed, dandelions, common groundsel, hempnettle, roundleaf mallow, redroot pigweed, Russian pigweed, scentless chamomile, smartweed, annual sow-thistle, perennial sow-thistle (season long control)
Always read and follow label directions.
Spring Wheat
Apply post-emergence when weeds are in the 2 to 4 leaf stage and spring wheat is from 3-leaf to just prior to flag leaf emergence. Do not apply later than the flag leaf emergence stage.
At 40 acres per case, ESTEEM will control:
Wild buckwheat, burdock, cleavers, Canada thistle (low infestations), cocklebur, field horsetail (top growth), volunteer flax, flixweed, kochia, lamb’s quarters, wild mustard, plantain (top growth), prickly lettuce, ragweeds, shepherd’s purse, stinkweed, stork’s bill, volunteer sunflowers, annual sunflowers, vetch, wild radish
At 30 acres per case, ESTEEM will also control:
Tartary buckwheat, Canada thistle (medium to high infestations, season long control), volunteer canola, chickweed, dandelions, common groundsel, hempnettle, roundleaf mallow, redroot pigweed, Russian pigweed, scentless chamomile, smartweed, annual sow-thistle, perennial sow-thistle (season long control)
Always read and follow label directions.
Durum Wheat
Apply post-emergence when weeds are in the 2 to 4 leaf stage and durum wheat is from 3-tiller stage to just prior to flag leaf stage. Do not apply later than the flag leaf emergence stage.
At 40 acres per case, ESTEEM will control:
Wild buckwheat, burdock, cleavers, Canada thistle (low infestations), cocklebur, field horsetail (top growth), volunteer flax, flixweed, kochia, lamb’s quarters, wild mustard, plantain (top growth), prickly lettuce, ragweeds, shepherd’s purse, stinkweed, stork’s bill, volunteer sunflowers, annual sunflowers, vetch, wild radish
At 30 acres per case, ESTEEM will also control:
Tartary buckwheat, Canada thistle (medium to high infestations, season long control), volunteer canola, chickweed, dandelions, common groundsel, hempnettle, roundleaf mallow, redroot pigweed, Russian pigweed, scentless chamomile, smartweed, annual sow-thistle, perennial sow-thistle (season long control)
Always read and follow label directions.