New Portfolio of ALL IN Cereal Herbicides Means One Convenient Container
ADAMA is bringing out a number of upgraded formulations this year for cereal broadleaf control. We met with our Product Manager, Ambrely Ralph, to discuss these new products and how they are designed to make cereal crop protection more convenient for Canadian growers.
Can you tell us a bit about these new products?
“We are very excited for the launch of 4 cereal broadleaf products: RUSH 24 ALL IN™, OUTSHINE ALL IN™, FORCEFIGHTER ALL IN™ and ESTEEM ALL IN™”
“We heard from growers and customers the need for enhanced convenience of key active ingredients to support them in making the right agronomic choices for weed control in the cereal acres. These products will be conveniently packaged in both case and bulk options.”
“These new ALL IN products mean all ingredients now come in a single container. This creates multiple benefits to the grower, including less packaging to transport and store, less hassle and time mixing the two ingredients, less product waste and a simplified application process overall.”
Can you talk about ADAMA’s investment in Formulation Mastery and what that means?
“At ADAMA we are unapologetically devoted to bringing out the best crop protection products we can. That can mean making existing products better by upgrading the way they are formulated. Examples of this are: increasing their absorption rate, making them safer to handle, increasing rainfastness, creating high load options to reduce packaging, converting traditional co-packs into formulated products, etc.
What do you think are some of the biggest challenges cereal growers are having to contend with and how can ADAMA help?
“Weed Resistance issues have become one of the biggest concerns across all acres in both broadleaf and grassy weed categories. Our team is always eager to discuss the right options for addressing current resistant weed concerns and how to best manage for future issues. With ADAMA’s portfolio of herbicides, a grower can access a variety of products with multiple modes of action to help ensure their cereal acres are as weed free as possible at every stage of growth: pre-seed, in crop, pre-harvest and post-harvest.
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