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Alexandria Bell

Harvest Predictions 2024 - North East England

There’s certainly more black-grass present this season compared to previous years, largely due to the season’s tricky conditions which have also exacerbated ryegrass pressure. As a result, there is a strong focus on hand-rogueing to maintain a degree of control. Those growers that are utilising rotations with winter and spring crops, plus cashing-in on suitable SFI schemes, are seeing some benefit with reduction in black-grass and ryegrass pressure.
Alexandria Bell

Winter barley crops are quickly turning now, with combines likely to start rolling in the next 14-21 days, weather permitting.

Most cereals have now had a T3 application, with some talk of T4 treatments also being planned due to disease pressure coming in late or remaining so high. 

Most crops of winter oilseed rape will be desiccated shortly as seeds are now starting to turn.

Yields across the full gamut of crops are likely to be variable at best, and I, like so many others, am not able to put a figure on how crops are expected to perform as it has been a season like no other.

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